Category Archives: Reviews

Reviews of everyday products and services with the disabled child in mind. How they can help their development. Some specialist products too.

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse is a new Marvel showing how being different can make you special. Being different it is usually perceived and portrayed in a negative way so I was really interested to see how Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse had parallels with those with additional needs. That and The Sensory Seeker is a massive Spider-Man fan so we were very keen to see a special screening.

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse and Special Needs

Miles Morales is just a regular kid. He struggles to understand his dad and hates the school he is at. But then he gets bitten by a spider and his life changes. Meanwhile King Pin is blaming Spider-Man for losing his family, and opens up a portal to get a variation of them back, but this also lets in various forms of Spider-Man from several dimensions. Each one is different from the rest and of course completely dissimilar from the rest of their societies, with their own special powers. When they come together they realise that they are not the only ones and are able to identify with each other, as they work as a team to beat King Pin, after he kills that dimension’s Spider-Man. Miles is there when Peter Parker dies and promises him he will save the day.Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

I think it is easy to see the parallels – not everyone is born with a disability, and it can feel very isolating to have one. Just finding others who share experiences like your own can make such a difference.

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse: Managing your Expectations

The whole theme of Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse for me is about managing your expectations. This is first introduced by the book Great Expectations and then Miles having to write up about his expectations. It is shown through Miles’ relationship with his Uncle and his Dad – and that actually how he expects them to be isn’t always the reality. That sometimes you just need to look at things differently to see them for what they really are. Other times you just expect things to be a certain way but they aren’t always like that (like them discovering that there actually is a Spider-Man costume with a cape!)Miles Morales in Sony Pictures Animation's SPIDER-MAN: INTO THE SPIDER-VERSE.

Again when dealing with additional needs you sometimes just have to adjust your expectations – of what the person can do, how things may go, how you think, how others may behave, etc. I know, for example, this Christmas is a particularly difficult time of year for The Sensory Seeker so I do not expect him to cope/behave in the same way, I make allowances and just try to keep him as happy as can be.

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse: Trying and Reassuring

At first when Miles becomes like Spider-Man he doesn’t know what to do in order to help, and gets things wrong. For example when trying to jump off a building he keeps thinking about running down the stairs, and when he finally takes the leap of faith to jump trips on his shoe laces. Another time is when he pulls Gwen Stacey’s hair off because he doesn’t know how to control his powers.Spider-Man into the Spider-VerseNew things take time – whether that is learning to deal with things, or to handle being given a diagnosis for example. Sometimes others may be able to help and other times you really have just got to take that leap of faith yourself and give things a go. I know for example with our experience we have really discovered that punishment (such as taking away a games console) does not work (no matter how much that method is used by others) – and to try an alternate way (when so many others tell you it is wrong) is hard.

It is when Mile’s dad tells him that whatever he chooses to do he will be great, which really helps him to learn to deal with his new Spider-Man powers and saves the day. A quote from the film is that, “That person who helps others simply because it should or must be done, and because it is the right thing to do, is indeed without a doubt, a real superhero.” That’s all we can do – is do the right thing, and that actually, love and nurturing is what is best for everyone.

Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse : Identifying with Others Like You

Several times the message of unity is portrayed during Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse, and of course it is with all the variations of Spider-Man coming together that really makes the difference. When Peter Parker dies his girlfriend Mary Jane says that, “We are all Spider-Man in our own way;” Stan Lee says that the Spider-Man suit “always fits, eventually”; and when Uncle Aaron dies only Spiders are the ones who truly understand. After all it is what makes you different is what makes you Spider-Man.Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse identifying with others

We may not feel like we fit, but eventually we grow and learn to be happy with who we are and who our tribe is. It is the very reason I write this blog, to help people feel less alone – and share ways I find have helped The Sensory Seeker be happier in life.Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse

Thanks to Stan Lee and Steve Ditko for telling us we’re not the only ones.

I was invited to a Special Screening of Spider-Man into the Spider-Verse. All opinions are honest and my own.

Images Marc Berry Reid, provided by Way to Blue.

The Original Ginny Moon: Book Review

The Original Ginny Moon: Book Review

Ginny Moon is a teenager with autism who was taken away from her mother when she was just nine years old. In the story Ginny is thirteen years old and in her fourth foster family (which she calls Forever homes). Finally she has found a family that loves her but is that all about to change now that her Forever Mom and Forever Dad are having their own baby?The Original Ginny Moon: Book Review

The Original Ginny Moon really is a story that will keep you wanting to read more as you get to know Ginny and all her ways. You will be hard not to fall in love with Ginny and be proud of her. The Original Ginny Moon really is a story that will keep you wanting to read more as you get to know Ginny and all her ways. Feeling sad when she feels she doesn’t belong (-Ginny) and understanding the difficulties she faces living with autistic spectrum disorder – that sometimes make her just too much for other people to be able to handle.

Ginny likes numbers and they help her make sense of the world. The book is written in diary format telling is either approximately or exactly what the date and time is for each entry. Ginny starts each day with exactly 9 grapes, loves Michael Jackson, can only answer one question at a time and always has green eyes. Ginny is 13 years old but turns 14 during the course of the book, and in that time we come to see that Ginny has overcome so much and means well.

Ginny struggles to communicate why she needs to escape from the Blue House (her forever home with Brian and Maura) to go back to Gloria (her biological mother) where it was such an abusive and unsafe environment for her. Ginny tries to explain to everyone that is to make sure her Baby Doll is safe (as she left it in the suitcase before she was taken), but no-one seems to take her seriously.The Original Ginny Moon: Book Review

Benjamin Ludwig has written this beautifully narrated as Ginny – letting us clearly see what is inside her head and the reasons why she behaves in the way that she does. She clearly explains what things mean – which are mostly based on what she has learned from what other people have told her. But she is still confused by other things – that as a reader we know she hasn’t got right. Other times you realise that you have made the wrong assumption that she hasn’t got it right – and that even you have got Ginny wrong – just like everyone else!

I think this book is great to understand the mind of a teenager with autism, the fostering process and its difficulties and anyone who just wants a good book to read.  Plus it gives a clear message about how not everyone is able to self-advocate and make their voices heard and their needs known. The short diary entries make this an easy to read and fast paced book – but even though you can read it in small bites – I am not sure it is something you will really want to put down.



I had a proof copy of The Original Ginny Moon for purposes of review – and honestly it is that good, opinions are honest and my own (although I am sure A LOT of people agree with them too).

Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

When it comes to Sensory Processing Disorder you really do have to consider all of the senses. And wen it comes to hygiene the biggest obstacle we have to overcome is smell – because The Sensory Seeker is really sensitive to different ones, and if they are not right he will refuse to use whatever it is or want to escape from it (and there’s no point in forcing him because this just raises his anxiety levels and brings on a meltdown – or what appears to be a tantrum!). Therefore finding the right products for the bathroom have been a real game changer for helping him to keep clean. There are some things he is more particular about than others, or that he just likes more than the rest. Carex Strawberry Laces are one of the products he loves – so how would he feel about trying the new Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts?
Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

Sensory Seeker and Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts

It always was going to be a tough competition as the Love Hearts went up against the Strawberry Laces. Our Sensory Seeker loves Strawberry Laces Hand Wash by Cussons Carex so much so that we have had to start just topping up the empty bottle a bit at a time, or he just uses it all. Although it was quite funny the time he told me to smell his armpits as he had even used it there! When asked to try the new Love Hearts I felt unsure of how well he would make the change.

Just like the Strawberry Laces the Love Hearts Hand Wash smells just like the sweets – it really is the perfect solution for encouraging our son to wash his hands. I think even the most reluctant of hand washers would want this smell on their hands. It effectively removes dirt and kills 99.9% of bacteria. It is dermatologically tested by experts and contains a special blend of moisturisers which helps to keep the skin soft. It certainly was a winner in our house with The Sensory Seeker (and well the whole family).

RRP £1.80Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

You may also be interested in the following previous posts:


I received a free bottle of Carex Love Hearts for purposes of review. All words and opinions are honest and my own. I have not received any financial compensation.

Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

Bullying, Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

Bullying and Self-Regulation can be a difficult area for children with special needs  to cope with. Those on the Autism Spectrum often find it hard to understand emotions and related to others.  They can usually benefit greatly from visual aids and fun ways of learning.; and social stories are often recommended for those on the Spectrum. So I was keen to find out more about a range of books by Jennifer Anzin, who has written inclusive programs for children with special needs on Bullying and Self-Regulation. I was sent the 5 books mentioned below for purposes of review, all opinions are honest and my own.Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

Devon the Digger’s Difficult Day

The book begins with a story about how Devon is having a bad day and doesn’t care how he affects others. But his friend Frederick makes him think about times when he has been upset and asks him how he would feel. Then Devon finds a strategy that he will use next time he is mad. Devon then goes off to apologise and put things right. The book then uses activities to Build Cooperation and Caring – these are useful tools for all children (and even adults!). In fact we have been using the Say it Forward (when you say something nice about someone else) at dinner time, and I really like the idea of having a bag of phrases in case people find it difficult to think of something. Next are Songs to Build Empathy and Caring, Anti-Bullying Strategies (with more singing) and finally a Game. I think the book is full of great ideas but is really for children in a group setting and not as helpful for a parent at home (especially if the child does not have siblings). I am not sure how much the use of vehicles would help a child on the spectrum relate the story back to people – but does give them the opportunity of making things more concrete in their minds.Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

The Terrible Tantrums of Timmy the Truck

This story is about Timmy the Truck who is a bully. It explains why Timmy behaves the way he does and that lashing out, especially to Arthur the Engine, does not make him feel better. After talking to Timmy Angela the Airplane and Timmy’s parents promise to help him learn new ways to deal with his anger and to make friends. The book explains what Timmy does to help him cope with his anger and then he went off to apologise to Arthur. Timmy followed the rules of conduct and played with the rest of the class and felt part of the team. The book then goes on to explain different Strategies to Stop Bullying Behaviour – including yoga activities (such as child’s pose, balloon breath, train yoga and lion yoga – which are explained within the book). Next are the games such as The Anger, Self-Regulation Fishing Game and A, B, C…Calm Down with Me. Again I am not sure how concrete the story is by using vehicles and I am not sure it is a fair representation for a child with additional needs. My son would break things without considering how the other person is feeling but I do think the label “bully” is a bit harsh. To me a bully is one who does it deliberately to upset people. In saying that it is refreshing to have something where the problem needing to be addressed is because the child is the bully rather than the bullied – and the techniques are great.Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

The Incredible Shrinking Bully

This book again is about Timmy being mean to Arthur, but this time it does appear more that he is deliberately being nasty. It is more about Arthur feeling safe and his friends helping him to learn to stop being bullied. Interesting to read the two books together because from Timmy’s side of the story things are really different. Maybe there could be some discussion as to how children with special needs may be upsetting children without meaning to – and we should give them empathy and support to help them change – as opposed to singling them out and not wanting to play! This book has songs again and colouring pages with the story told again. I think the message here is simple (don’t suffer in silence) so the strategies weren’t as in depth. I think I would like to see the two books combined – and as I say, seeing things from both perspectives.

The Anger Train

I loved this story. It uses the imagery of an anger train inside to explain the emotion. This book has pictures of people, and explains how to help the anger (train) calm down. The back of the book has other ideas (again such as Yoga and the Fishing Game).Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

Goodbye Anger Monster – Jennifer Anzin and Cathy Kerr

This again is like the Anger Train but instead it is a monster. Again I like that the book has visuals of people that children with special needs can relate to. There are a few different techniques to reduce the anger as the anger monster disappears. Again the back of the book has other ideas (again such as Yoga and the Fishing Game).Bullying Self-Regulation Social Stories and Other Resources

Generally I think these books are great social stories with many useful ideas and resources for helping children to cope with self-regulation and bullying. In all honesty I do think the illustrations could do with some work, but then their simple nature may make it easier for a child with additional needs relate to. I would recommend these books for the strategies, but think the stories are not to be read alone but discussed.

Jennifer Anzin is an Early Childhood Consultant with over 20 years of experience working with children in child care centres, nursery school programs, J.k./S.k. and school age programs. Jennifer has drawn upon her experiences with children with special needs to write anti-bullying and self-regulation children’s books for parents, teachers and other professionals to use with children from the ages of 3 years-8 years. The books contain practical strategies and activities within the stories, as well as additional help which may be incorporated into their daily routines. These books are available on for approximately £4.60 per book.  There are also two free children’s stories, “Frederick the Fire Truck” and “Arthur the Engine” available on the website on request.

Another Post of interest: How to teach Anger through Craft

I received these books free of charge for purposes of review. All opinions are honest and my own.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London and The Sensory Seeker

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London and The Sensory Seeker

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co is a restaurant influenced from the famous 1994 film Forrest Gump. A must for any fan of the film and/or seafood, Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. remains the only restaurant chain based on a motion picture property. We were reluctant to go as we are not big seafood fans but were invited as part of an experience to visit Ripley’s Believe it or Not! London. Having researched before going that there was indeed non-seafood options on the menu for the children I agreed to go.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London and The Sensory Seeker

Initial Impressions of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London

Straight away you see the iconic bench and box of chocolates from the film, and can sit and have your photo taken (I completely missed this though as it was popular and The Sensory Seeker would not have had the patience to wait). The restaurant was up some stairs which meant that The Sensory Seeker had plenty of movement before having to sit down. There is access for wheelchair users also.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co and The Sensory Seeker

We sat in a booth with a table in the middle and bench seating either side. There was plenty of space and the height of the table was just right for eating. We had already decided what the children were eating but a menu was given to us anyway. On the table was a bucket which very usefully contained kitchen roll – I am assuming this was because of the amount of finger food consumed –  but came in really handy when The Sensory Seeker knocked his drink all over the table. The children were given activity sheets and crayons straight away – which was a big help in keeping them settled during the short wait for the food. It was a great sensory experience with so many visual touches from the film all around, and the children’s food came presented in a little boat. The food was taken well by The Sensory Seeker (he opted for the burger and chips) even when he was surprised to see that it came with an orange (which he just let us remove).

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London and The Sensory Seeker

The Food at Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London

I think there is a good variety of foods to try to suit all palates:

All kids menu include French fries, fruit and a special treat. My boys went for the Bus Bench Burger (£5.50) and the Holy Moly Macaroni Cheese Pleeze (£4.50; this actually has shrimp in it but we did not realise this from the menu!).

We had a selection of the signature dishes to try:

Shrimp Shack Mac & Cheese: An adult portion of what the children received of Macaroni mixed with sautéed Shrimp, Cheddar, Jack Cheese and Parmesan Cheese. Topped with golden bread crumbs. Deep fried Calamari & Best Ever Popcorn Shrimp – both served with Red Bell peppers and pepperoncinis served with dipping sauces. Run Across America Sample: Bubba’s Far Out Dip and Chips, Chilled Peel ‘n’ Eat Shrimp, spicy Chicken Strips, Hush Pups and Mama Blue’s Fried Shrimp. Seafood Hush Pups: Tasty Shrimp and Fish with golden corn, deep fried and served with a Remoulade dippin’ sauce. Shrimper’s Heaven: Hand Breaded Coconut Shrimp, Chilled Peel ‘n’ Eat Shrimp, Fried Shrimp and Japanese style Tempura Shrimp with Fries (plus the dipping sauces). Forrest’s Seafood Feast: Forrest’s favourite meal after a day on the boat! Hand breaded Southern Fried Shrimp, Seafood Hush Pups, Fish & Chips, & Coleslaw. Bubbas After the Storm ‘Bucket of Boat Trash’: Flash fried Shrimp, Fish with Cajun Spices and a steamed cluster of Snow Crab. Served with fries. Shrimp & Veggie Skewers: Large shrimp, skewered with fresh Red Bell Peppers, Red Onion, Yellow Squash and Zucchini, chargrilled and served with Jasmine Rice and a Lemon Garlic Cream Sauce. Dixie Style Baby Back Ribs: Ribs brushed with homemade BBQ sauce, slow roasted to perfection and served with fries. Net Catch Entrée: a twist on Bubba’s Classic! Beer steamed Peel ‘n’ Eat Shrimp, along with Carrots, Celery, Corn, Potatoes and Sausage all steamed and tossed with Garlic Spice or our Secret Cajun Spice recipe.

Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London and The Sensory Seeker

Puddings: Key Lime Pie (Garnished with whipped cream. We make this Florida classic from scratch!), Mama’s warm Bread Pudding, homemade Biscuit topped with fresh strawberries and melt in your mouth Chocolate Chip Cookie Sundae.

My Verdict of Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London

I have to admit that a seafood restaurant is not the first place I would have thought to take my children but glad we were invited. There were options that were not seafood but also seeing me eating it encouraged them to want to try it. The food was beautifully presented and the staff were very attentive (without being annoyingly in your face) – it was the perfect balance for my family. It was a spacious venue and there were television dotted around – also great for holding The Sensory Seeker’s attention. Downstairs is also a gift shop so you can continue your experience when you go home.

13 Coventry St, London W1D 7AB – nearest Tube Station Piccadilly Circus


We received free food in order to review Bubba Gump Shrimp Co London all words and opinions are my own.

X+Y - Film Review

X+Y – Film Review

X+Y is an emotional British drama inspired by a true story. A story of growing up, leaving home, maths, relationships, loss and Autistic Spectrum disorder. Nathan (played by the young and talented Asa Butterfield) who following his diagnosis of Asperger’s Syndrome loses his dad. He seems to be the one person who really understood Nathan and made him happy. We see how hard Nathan’s mother Julie (Sally Hawkins) tries to understand her son but she fails even to get him to let her hold his hand.

X+Y - Film Review

Nathan is gifted at Mathematics and is spotted by an unconventional teacher Mr. Humphreys (Rafe Spall) and lands a place on the International Mathematical Olympiad UK squad. It is just when you want to scream at your television that not all kids with Aspergers are savants the film comes into its own and shows that in the team Nathan isn’t superior – he’s just average. He no longer feels weird, and in contrast another boy, Luke (Jake Davies) also has Asperger’s and is very different to Nathan. The harrowing contrast between someone on the Autistic Spectrum finding love and being happy, to that of not fitting in to a sad extent. I think that anyone who has been touched by Autism will enjoy this film. I think it does a good job of bringing about awareness of the condition in a watchable way. Be prepared to be moved to tears.

X+Y - Film Review

This film portrays Autistic Spectrum Disorder and Sensory Issues well – as Nathan struggles to understand others, communicate and cope with visual and auditory stimulation. I watched this film with my husband and we agreed that we saw some parallels with our own son with Asperger’s syndrome – such as sometimes he just needs to be really pushed to do the things he feels uncomfortable with.

X+Y - Film Review In saying that there were also areas of the film which we felt ignored the fact that Nathan was on the Autistic Spectrum – such as his (and his mother’s) ease at him moving out of home, and the general adapting to changes without any seeming problems.

X+Y - Film Review

This film is a 12 and I think that there are some scenes to that viewers may find emotionally distressing, including scenes of injury and self-harm.

I received a free copy of X+Y for purposes of review. I was also given a book and some maths equipment. All words and opinions are my own.

my curious brain of noise

My Curious Brain of Noise – Sarah Froggatt

My Curious Brain of Noise – Sarah Froggatt

If you ever wanted an insight into why your child (or one you teach) is fine with something one day and not the next; why they are particular about sitting on a particular chair or can’t sit still, or a million other things that puzzle you about their behaviour then My Curious Brain of Noise could be just for you.

The story follows Luca who, amongst other things, has sensory issues. He doesn’t like to sit on the blue mat and likes to sit on a particular chair at school (the one with the white dot). If only people could take the time to listen and understand him it would make his (and their) lives much easier. This story shows the importance of a good school – one that tries to understand, of communicating with the child with sensory issues, of how they feel when their mother gets upset about their behaviours, it tackles bullying in school (because he is just different) and of course how everyday things can affect them so much (amongst many many other things).

my curious brain of noise

My Opinions on My Curious Brian of Noise

I feel that this book is a great insight into Sensory Processing Disorder for those who are new to the condition, whilst also providing a deeper understanding to those already knowledgeable. The story really helped me stop and take another look at how things may be for The Sensory Seeker and understand why some of his behaviours come about. Plus it reinforced my beliefs that communication is key. It was extremely well written with a mix of fact, humour and great story telling. Believe me I do not get much time to read and I need to “get into” a book to read it – this definitely had that. I loved the illustrations that not only broke the book up a bit more but further went on to explain what was going on in Luca’s head.

I recommend you go get this book – even if you don’t want to understand Sensory Processing Disorder it is a very good read.

ISBN 9781501025853

Ages 9+

Sarah Froggatt

I was sent this book as the author felt that I may benefit from reading it. All words and opinions are my own.

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

I thought I would give you a little update on The Sensory Seeker. He turned 6 at the end of April and is currently in year 1 of a Mainstream school. In previous years the topic has come up about him staying back a year and we had decided not to. Well I am (touch wood) pleased to say that this hasn’t come up this year. He is making remarkable progress in all areas and we are so proud of him.

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

Speech and Language

He has met his target for Speech and Language of talking about what happens next (although the SALT did agree that this is with guidance from his TA). He still keeps calling girls he but now knows that he should be saying she and does correct himself. He needs to work on “why” questions but I am noticing even more that things are very black and white. For example he was asked why was the girl standing on the stool and he was unable to answer the why because he was too busy explaining that she was naughty and shouldn’t be! His reading and amount of words he knows by just looking at them is coming on in leaps and bounds.

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

I think the second pack of the Alphablocks Reading Programme has helped with this. This set introduces the “letter teams” and blending them in a fun way with activities and games – not forgetting those all-important gold stars to reward him when he gets it right. I feel that books each progress well from each other, and the second set from the first. They are interesting and colourful. I do like the flash cards and think that they are very beneficial for The Sensory Seeker as they are so visual.

Diet, Health & Hygiene

Obviously there was no miracle and he still eats nowhere near as good as his brothers but I can hand on heart say I think that the free school meals provided at school have really helped give him the push to try new things. It is all too easy to give in at home, worrying that your child may starve – but at school there is only the food provided and no other option. He asked for grapes in his cereal this morning and his dad accidentally put milk in the bowl too – BUT he still ate it all.

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

The Sensory Seeker is regularly using his brown inhaler morning and night, and even reminding me to give it him. We have had far less (toileting) accidents in the day and night – and now even sleeps in his normal pants.

I guess swimming also comes under this section and I am really pleased to say that he is coping well in group swimming lessons now. In fact I do not have to watch him all the time when he has a lesson now and so was really surprised at just how well his swimming ability has come along on our recent holiday.


Well he is super whizzy at maths and is not only counting but making number bonds up to twenty.

Gross & Fine Motor Development

The Sensory Seeker’s gross motor skills are also coming along well if watching him on his Microscooter is anything to go by! He still needs to develop more of a sense of other people’s space but physically he is able to use his body to move well.

He still isn’t holding a pencil properly but can write legibly with support. Given the option he preferred to use a pencil over the tablet which is great news. We keep on providing him with things to help develop his fine motor development. LEGO is a big favourite in our house and it is everywhere and played with every day at all times. It is the only toy I have all over my house!

Busy Busy Things That Go 2000 Stickers Big, Fast, loud and tough!

Sensory Seeker Progress Aged 6

There is nothing better than a good sticker activity book to help develop those fine motor skills. This book is just perfect for my little boy with it being packed full of diggers, buses, planes, boats, demolition vehicles, tractors, ambulances, fire engines, trains, scooters and so on. There is a great mix of colouring in, stickers and activities such as mazes, follow the line, spot the difference and observation skills. I love how all the stickers give a lot of free expression and creativity without making any mess.

It was also very beneficial for helping him develop more of a relationship with his older brother (aged 7) as they were both able to share the book, as well as work on it together.

ISBN 978-1-4723-6699-3 £8.00 Parragon Books Ltd


The Sensory Seeker seems to get on well with others and has certain people he asks to play with. I am sad to hear him talk about how other children get invited to each other’s houses and he doesn’t but that could have absolutely no relation to his special needs. He is being invited to parties and no-one is nasty to him. The Sensory Seeker does still need help in maintain play going as he can join in but then doesn’t understand properly how to play by other’s rules.

We were sent Busy Busy Things That Go 2000 Stickers Big, Fast, loud and tough! and  the Alphablocks Reading Programme free of charge for purposes of review. All words and opinions are my own.

dinosaur books

Dinosaurs #KidsCoop

All about the Dinosaurs

Dinosaurs are always a popular area of interest but with the new Jurassic World film coming out this year I think that they are going to be more popular than ever. Dinosaurs are popular in our house – we had a dinosaur bedroom, a dinosaur party, played with the dinosaur in ice and even invited the dinosaurs to dinner!!

We have just had The Sensory Seeker’s annual review (as he has a Statement of Special Education Needs) and have discovered that he is now working at National Curriculum levels in Maths and Reading. This is fantastic news and we feel that he has benefited from all the extra support he receives. So I am pleased to share with you two books that Parragon have sent us to review on the subject of Dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Books


Dino Supersaurus T-Rex Terror – The Supersaurus Legend Begins

Dino Supersaurus T-Rex Terror - The Supersaurus Legend BeginsThis is a beautifully illustrated book set in a cartoon strip. That’s lots of action and the pictures tell the story to help with the words. It really is a book for slightly older children but it was good to read with The Sensory Seeker picking out high frequency words I know he knows. Thus making it fun and rewarding for him. The only thing he found confusing was that the speech is written in capital letters – but it was good to explain to him about different types of text (not that I am sure he got it at his age).

£5.99 ISBN: 978- 1 -4723 – 6466 – 1

Gold Stars Travel Back Through Time to The Land of Dinosaurs

dinosaur booksThis book is fantastic and maintains interest for a long time. Again fantastically illustrated and filled with lots of facts and fun. The book has contents, glossary and index pages which I think are great in a children’s book. Through the book children learn all about dinosaurs in an enjoyable and interactive way with puzzles, mazes, colouring in, observations and much more. Every page is just bursting with life, and there’s so much to see, do and learn.

£7.99 ISBN: 978- 1 – 4723 – 5781 – 6

Find over 450 great dinosaur posts on my Dinosaur Pinterest Board

The Weekly Kids Co-Op

I was sent the 2 books free of charge from Parragon Books as part of their blogger programme. All words and opinions are my own.

Down's Syndrome - I love you Natty

Down’s Syndrome – I love you Natty #Review

Down's Syndrome - I love you NattyWhen you have your first baby there is a lot to learn. You have so many choices to make long before the breast/bottle, cot/co-sleeping, and which pushchair to get ones. From the very first moment you think you are pregnant there is decisions to make – will you tell anyone before taking the test, will someone be with you when you take the test, and so on. One of the big decisions is to whether you want to have the test discover the chance of your baby having Down’s Syndrome or Trisomy 21.

Why my babies were not tested for Down’s Syndrome/Trisomy 21

Down's Syndrome - I love you NattyI decided that I did not want any of my children to be tested because to me it did not matter what the chance was whether they had Down’s Syndrome or not as I felt it wouldn’t change anything. I certainly did not want to be asked the question if that meant I would abort my unborn child – as the answer (for me) would have always been no. A child with a disability is no less of a person than anyone else. And just because some things about them may make their lives more complicated so do they have qualities that others do not have.

I Love You Natty

Down's Syndrome - I love you NattyIf I am honest I have been putting off this post because I just do not have the words to give it justice. You see I wanted to share with you all how lucky I am to know Hayley Goleniowska from Downs Side Up. She is such an amazing woman and has done so much to help change perceptions of Down’s Syndrome. Please do check out her award-winning blog. One of the many, many things she has done is to produce a book with her nine year old daughter Mia. It is such a beautiful book introducing to a child (by a child) what it is like when their sibling is born with Down’s Syndrome. It is clear to see the bond between the sisters and the book is very heartfelt throughout. I love the part where she explains that her sister has an extra chromosome and says, “It is just a part of who she is, like we both have brown eyes.”

The family have very kindly let us into their lives in order to help others: Including using family photos, as well as their thoughts and feelings. I love how we can see that having Trisomy 21 does not mean the end of life, or having fun – and this shines through in this book.

 I received a free book just because Hayley is so lovely and said I did not even have to tell you about it. Please tell everyone you know about this book!