Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

When it comes to Sensory Processing Disorder you really do have to consider all of the senses. And wen it comes to hygiene the biggest obstacle we have to overcome is smell – because The Sensory Seeker is really sensitive to different ones, and if they are not right he will refuse to use whatever it is or want to escape from it (and there’s no point in forcing him because this just raises his anxiety levels and brings on a meltdown – or what appears to be a tantrum!). Therefore finding the right products for the bathroom have been a real game changer for helping him to keep clean. There are some things he is more particular about than others, or that he just likes more than the rest. Carex Strawberry Laces are one of the products he loves – so how would he feel about trying the new Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts?
Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

Sensory Seeker and Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts

It always was going to be a tough competition as the Love Hearts went up against the Strawberry Laces. Our Sensory Seeker loves Strawberry Laces Hand Wash by Cussons Carex so much so that we have had to start just topping up the empty bottle a bit at a time, or he just uses it all. Although it was quite funny the time he told me to smell his armpits as he had even used it there! When asked to try the new Love Hearts I felt unsure of how well he would make the change.

Just like the Strawberry Laces the Love Hearts Hand Wash smells just like the sweets – it really is the perfect solution for encouraging our son to wash his hands. I think even the most reluctant of hand washers would want this smell on their hands. It effectively removes dirt and kills 99.9% of bacteria. It is dermatologically tested by experts and contains a special blend of moisturisers which helps to keep the skin soft. It certainly was a winner in our house with The Sensory Seeker (and well the whole family).

RRP £1.80Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

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I received a free bottle of Carex Love Hearts for purposes of review. All words and opinions are honest and my own. I have not received any financial compensation.

11 thoughts on “Carex Fun Edition Love Hearts Review by The Sensory Seeker

  1. I have a sensory seeker here too and I completely agree with you about the smells. We do change the soaps each time to keep it varied to save the clingyness of a particular type. However if we find one she really loves, yes the whole bottle pretty much goes in one day as she keeps going to wash her hands so we tend to stick to the ones she just likes rather then the love ones.

  2. Ha ha! We have both of those bottles in our house – love hearts upstairs, laces downstairs. Jensen switched them over when he decided he liked the love hearts better. I was waiting for Lyoto to try and eat some, but so far so good! I love the smells of these – and the boys NEVER forget to wash now!

  3. We love carex, they smell fab and the kids love the colours and scents which means they are more than willing to wash their hands – sometimes more than once!

  4. I haven’t tried the love heart one just the strawberry laces but it smells awesome, my little boy constantly wants to wash his hands hates them being dirty and I shouldn’t complain but it’s constant lol, he doesn’t seem to care about the smell thing though xx

  5. I need to get a hand wash today, I hope those ones are on Tesco, I’ll get them 🙂 I’d love your toilet sign 😀 x

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