Financial Help for Disabilities in the UK

When it comes to financial help for disabilities in the UK it seems that you mostly have to find out for yourself. Here I have shared the information I have discovered myself including benefits, and why you should claim them, and any charity help.

Financial help in the uk

Please do feel free to add your own in the comments or message me.

Claiming Benefits for Disabilities in the UK

You can claim Disability Living Allowance for under 16s and Personal Independence Payment for over 16s without a diagnosis. The benefit is paid on need. Or not as is our circumstances with PIP. These benefits are not income-based. If certain levels are met then Carers Allowance can be claimed by one person if their caring for the person with the disability for 35 hours a week and not earning over a certain amount.

DLA and Carers

PIP and Asperger’s Syndrome Personal Posts

I posted the following posts of what happened when a claim was made for PIP for our eldest with Asperger’s Syndrome. Honestly this process broke him and he as yet has not come back from it. Lots of people sent me messages saying they had exactly the same. In fact I had copies of their letters which were identical to ours. Many people said that if you took it to Tribunal then it was awarded. Unfortunately this fell over Christmas when we needed to apply. It was just too much for us to do. It really was a heavy emotional toll. Plus it was also the time of his 21st birthday and I wanted to save my energies for planning that. There wasn’t any further “evidence” to add to what we had already sent over.

Other Financial Help

  • Merlin’s Magic Wand
  • The Family Fund
  • Your local council may offer things such as a free bus pass
  • Max Card
  • Many attractions offer free or discounted entry for the disabled and their carers.

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