Egg Carton Christmas Trees are good because they are so simple to make, utilise fine motor skills, are inexpensive (using recycled materials) and make great ornaments – which am sure will then enhance your child’s self-esteem.
You will need:
- 1 egg carton (not the plastic sort)
- paint
- paint brush
- paint pot
- water
- things to stick on
- glue
- glue spatial
- glue pot
- needle and cotton
- scissors
- Cut out the egg cartons into individual cups.
- Simply paint the egg cups green and allow to dry.
- Thread the painted cups together tying a note in the underside of the cups and leaving enough string to hang them.
- Decorate with stickers, paper – or whatever you fancy for your tree.
- Hang it up.

Christmas and The Sensory Seeker
Christmas is a great time for the Sensory Seeker as there’s just so much stimulation for him. I think as he is getting older it is much easier for him to handle. For instance he has more of a concept of time. He has learnt the days of the week and that certain things happen on certain days (for example after school clubs, roast on Wednesdays at school etc), plus he is now learning to tell the time in his maths lessons. He understands now that there is a build up to Christmas and then a long wait before the next one (he used to wake up every day thinking it would be Christmas again). 6 and half is such a magical age anyway that I am sure this one will be truly magical.

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Making Christmas easier for The Sensory Seeker
Yon is 6 now, and we find ourselves dealing with the issue of time and sense of time right now. He can understand the waiting for Christmas, but is having difficulty with the concept of time as a whole, and especially reading time. it is creating a bit of a problem now that the days are shorter because apparently he used the sun as a tale for day and night… Anyway 6 and a half is a magical age 🙂 I loved the idea of the egg-carton tree!
It is so hard for them when things change isn’t it. I was going to suggest maybe a sand timer for helping but that would be no use for a whole day. Are school helping with it?
That’s a brilliant idea !! I’ll tell reception and year 1 and my colleague who runs art club x
ooh, I am an absolute sucker for egg carton crafts! love this!