my curious brain of noise

My Curious Brain of Noise – Sarah Froggatt

My Curious Brain of Noise – Sarah Froggatt

If you ever wanted an insight into why your child (or one you teach) is fine with something one day and not the next; why they are particular about sitting on a particular chair or can’t sit still, or a million other things that puzzle you about their behaviour then My Curious Brain of Noise could be just for you.

The story follows Luca who, amongst other things, has sensory issues. He doesn’t like to sit on the blue mat and likes to sit on a particular chair at school (the one with the white dot). If only people could take the time to listen and understand him it would make his (and their) lives much easier. This story shows the importance of a good school – one that tries to understand, of communicating with the child with sensory issues, of how they feel when their mother gets upset about their behaviours, it tackles bullying in school (because he is just different) and of course how everyday things can affect them so much (amongst many many other things).

my curious brain of noise

My Opinions on My Curious Brian of Noise

I feel that this book is a great insight into Sensory Processing Disorder for those who are new to the condition, whilst also providing a deeper understanding to those already knowledgeable. The story really helped me stop and take another look at how things may be for The Sensory Seeker and understand why some of his behaviours come about. Plus it reinforced my beliefs that communication is key. It was extremely well written with a mix of fact, humour and great story telling. Believe me I do not get much time to read and I need to “get into” a book to read it – this definitely had that. I loved the illustrations that not only broke the book up a bit more but further went on to explain what was going on in Luca’s head.

I recommend you go get this book – even if you don’t want to understand Sensory Processing Disorder it is a very good read.

ISBN 9781501025853

Ages 9+

Sarah Froggatt

I was sent this book as the author felt that I may benefit from reading it. All words and opinions are my own.

15 thoughts on “My Curious Brain of Noise – Sarah Froggatt

  1. I am always interested in learning about non-physical disorders, eg the ‘invisible’ or mental disorders. I would very much be interested in reaing about Sensory Processing Disorder.

  2. Would be great to learn about this more. My brother has Autism and has symptoms of this. I’m also doing teacher training soon and wish to specialise in SEN.

  3. My nephew is autistic and would benefit from this. Thanks for the review! Glad to see these type of resources are becoming more widely available.

  4. I am curious to learn more about Sensory Processing Disorder as it is something that is new to me

  5. To have an insight, even the smallest, as to how my non-verball little boy may be being led by his Sensory perceptions and needs would be amazing and another little way to see into his world.

  6. I have never heard of Sensory Processing Disorder …would like more information

  7. to help me understand my nephews better who both suffer with autism and symptoms sound very similiar

  8. I work with children but this a disorder that I don’t know that much about – I would love to learn more!

  9. My sons autistic and has learning dificulties and SPD so i’m learning new things everyday!

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