The Sensory Seeker came about because my youngest son is a Sensory Seeker – always touching things, needing more, licking, biting, covering himself in anything he could. But I am also a Sensory Seeker as I am seeking the information to help make his life easier. He is sometimes a Sensory Avoider too.

Through this blog I share with you my journey of understanding The Sensory Seeker, and how he has grown and developed, as well as how I grow and develop as a Sensory Seeker of knowledge.
On starting this blog my son was 4, about to go to school. He had no diagnosis (of any description) and he had a Statement of Special Educational needs for 20 hours a week (his school week was 30 hours). I received Disability Living Allowance for him – because it is not about whether he has a diagnosis or not, it’s about whether his care needs are higher than those of his peers (he was mobile and so any mobility issues would not be considered until his 5th birthday).
You can follow his journey, as well as his older brother’s and my own realisation that I am most likely Neurodiverse here. I also realised how many of the sensory needs are evident with those who are Autistic. That the eldest who was diagnosed (finally) at 10 years old with Asperger’s syndrome was anxiously sucking on his t-shirt so that it was soaking wet, and his lip was all sore, and eating biros, wasn’t just “one of those” and there were/are things out there to help.
I’m so glad you have this site. Thank you. My almost three year old has an appointment with Child Find in Colorado to evaluate his needs. He has no learning delay, but he is a super seeker for sure. After reading through your site, I am coming to think my next in line who is seven might have some of his own issues. Sucking on his fingers constantly, cracking his fingers and knuckles CONSTANTLY, needing his back to be scratched/tickled/massaged everyday multiple times, and he literally cannot stay still for meals, reading or anything. I’ve been so distracted by my youngest son’s seeking, I missed even noticing what one of my other sons might need help with. I feel bad, but I’m glad to see it now. You see, I have just always been told by E’s pediatrician that he has a strong, different kind of personality and that’s why he had and still does have a lot of trouble with sleeping as with his daytime issues. With no learning delays, there has just always been some excuse as to why he does the things he does. I recently was introduced to SPD and SMD etc. I see things in a whole new light. Since this isn’t an openly discussed topic among anyone I know, it’s hard to talk about it. I’m just glad that you have this site, because it brings a lot of comfort for me. So thank you again 🙂
I am glad it has benefited you and hope you get the help and support you need for all your children. My oldest child I have noticed lots of sensory issues with since my youngest was diagnosed and also wondered why it was never mentioned before.